Project ID: 24943
Project Title: Human Attraction
Chief Investigator
Dr. Ryan Anderson
School of Psychological Sciences,
Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences
Phone: +61 4 2167 4889
E-mail: ryan.anderson1@monash.edu
are invited to take part in this study.
Please read this Explanatory Statement in full before deciding whether
or not to participate in this research. If
you would like further information regarding any aspect of this project, you
are encouraged to contact the researcher via the phone numbers or email
addresses listed above.
What does the research involve?
study aims to explore human attraction. If you decide to take part in this study, you
will be asked to complete a brief questionnaire that asks for general
information about you and your relationships, and how you feel about yourself generally. Once you complete these questions, you will be
prompted to look at photographs and respond to the questions that follow. You will be presented with a total of 3
photographs and the survey in total should take you approximately 5-10 minutes.
Why were you chosen for this research?
You have been chosen to participate in this study because:
You responded to the advertisement and are
willing to participate in the research.
You are 18 years of age or older.
You are English speaking.
Consenting to participate in the
project and withdrawing from the research
Participation in
this study is completely voluntary and there is no obligation for you to
consent to take part. Your decision to
take part or not will not negatively affect your relationship with any member
of the research team or Monash University.
By completing this
survey or part thereof you are implicitly offering your consent to participate. If you decide this study isn’t for you, you
can discontinue by closing this window at any time.
If you initially
decided to participate, but change your mind and don’t want to continue, you are
free to withdraw at any time by closing the webpage that contains the
study. There will be no implications
upon withdrawing from this study. If you
decide to withdraw from the study, we are not able to withdraw the data from
the responses that you have already submitted, as due to the anonymous nature
of our online study, we can’t identify which data was yours.
Possible benefits and risks to
there will be no direct benefit to you from this study, your participation is
very important. Your participation will
contribute to the current knowledge we have on attraction, and allow us to see
if our ever-evolving nature requires us to think differently about the current
theories we are using to explain our behaviours. There is a lot we still have to learn about
how attraction works, especially when you consider the immense and diverse
nature of human beings.
participation in this study is not expected to cause you any discomfort. There is a small risk to your privacy if you
were to complete this study while other people are in close proximity to you, and can see what your responses are. However, this can be reduced by ensuring you complete the study
somewhere you feel confident that you won’t have other people looking at your
Services on offer if adversely
If at any point during
or after participation in this study you feel you need additional support,
please contact any of the below services to speak with a trained professional. These services are suitable for those
residing in Australia. For those
residing outside of Australia, please contact your local support services to
speak with a trained professional.
– For people of all ages.
Phone: 13 11 14
(Open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day).
https://www.lifeline.org.au/get-help/online-services/crisis-chat (Open 7 days a week from 7pm - 12am).
– For people aged 12 – 25 years old.
Phone: 1800 650 890
(Open 9am – 1am, 7 days a week).
Webchat: https://headspace.org.au/eheadspace/connect-with-a-clinician/ (Open 7 days a week from 9am – 1am).
The data
we collect from you will be completely anonymous, and will not be able to be
identified back to you.
of data
All data collected
from the Qualtrics Suite, via the study questionnaire, will be stored in
LabArchives for a minimum of 5 years as per university requirements. LabArchives
is a cloud-based storage platform that is encrypted and securely stores
research data. Only the researchers will
have access to the data. Once data is no
longer required, online data will be deleted from the data storage systems.
Results from this
study will be available from October 2021.
If you would like to receive a summary of the results, or require
further information about the study, please contact the Researchers using the
details provided at the top of this Explanatory Statement.
Should you have any concerns or
complaints about the conduct of the project, you are welcome to contact the
Executive Officer, Monash University Human Research Ethics Committee (MUHREC):
Monash University Human Research Ethics Committee (MUHREC)
Room 111, Chancellery Building D,
26 Sports Walk, Clayton Campus
Research Office
Monash University VIC 3800
Tel: +61 3 9905 2052
Email: muhrec@monash.edu Fax: +61 3 9905 3831
Thank you,
Ryan Anderson